The Complete Guide to Nuvemshop: Overview, Features, Pricing & Review

Aws Alnabulsi
April 24, 2023
11 min to read
Complete Guide to Nuvemshop

With the increasing number of people turning to computers, tablets, and mobile phones for online purchases, the ecommerce industry in Latin America is rapidly expanding. In this market, Nuvemshop has emerged as a leading all-in-one ecommerce platform. Nuvemshop for ecommerce offers businesses a comprehensive solution for creating, managing, and scaling their online storefronts.

In this article, we will take a look at what exactly Nuvemshop is, how it works, how much it costs, what the main advantages and disadvantages of using this ecommerce platform are, what customers think about Nuvemshop, and what its top competitors are.

Meanwhile, the business owners who decide to opt for the Nuvemshop ecommerce platform should know that Coretava products integrate seamlessly with it to streamline online business operations and increase sales. Designed to facilitate business growth, Coretava products enable businesses to personalize the customer journey, enhance ecommerce marketing, build customer loyalty, and build an omnichannel presence. This allows online website owners to focus on what they do best - building a successful ecommerce business.

Table of Contents

  • What Is Nuvemshop?
  • How Does Nuvemshop Work?
  • How Much Does Nuvemshop Cost?
  • What Are Nuvemshop Pros and Cons?
  • What Do Customers Say About Nuvemshop?
  • What Are the Best Nuvemshop Alternatives?
  • Is Nuvemshop the Best Ecommerce Platform in 2023?

What Is Nuvemshop?

What Is Nuvemshop?

Nuvemshop is a leading ecommerce platform in Latin America, notably in Brazil, Argentina, and Mexico. It offers a complete package for setting up, managing, and growing online stores. The platform has a wide range of capabilities, including tools for inventory management, payment and shipping integrations, and customizable storefronts.

Nuvemshop was established in 2011 by Santiago Sosa, Alejandro Vazquez, and Martin Palombo, with headquarters in Mexico City. It expanded quickly in the local market and rose to become one of Latin America's most well-known ecommerce solutions. The business has grown into other nations, including Brazil and Argentina, where it has established a sizable foothold. Nuvemshop aims to provide small- and medium-sized enterprises with the resources they need to operate successfully in the ecommerce industry.

What Does Nuvemshop Do?

Nuvemshop is an all-in-one ecommerce platform that enables businesses to create and manage their online stores. The platform offers a wide range of features and capabilities to help businesses sell their products online.

Nuvemshop's primary function is to provide businesses with a customizable storefront. They can choose from a variety of themes and templates to design their online store and create a unique brand experience. It also allows users to modify everything from the layout to the color scheme.

Nuvemshop also provides businesses with inventory management tools to help them track their stock levels and manage their products. This includes product categories, SKU management, and product variants.

The platform integrates with a variety of payment and shipping providers, allowing businesses to offer their customers a range of payment and shipping options. Nuvemshop supplies online businesses with detailed analytics and reporting tools, giving them the required insights into their sales, traffic, and customer behavior in order to allow them to continue improving and optimizing their performance.

What Is Nuvemshop Used For?

Nuvemshop for Different Types of Ecommerce Businesses

Nuvemshop can be used to run various types of ecommerce businesses, including but not limited to:

1. Retail businesses

Nuvemshop is an excellent platform for small and medium-sized retailers who want to sell their products online. The platform offers inventory management tools, customizable storefronts, and payment and shipping integrations.

2. Dropshipping businesses

Dropshippers can also run their businesses through Nuvemshop. The platform supports integrations with a variety of dropshipping providers and easily imports products from third-party suppliers to sell them online in your own store.

3. Wholesale businesses

Nuvemshop can be used by wholesaling ecommerce businesses to create an online store and offer their products to retailers and other businesses. It offers features such as bulk ordering and customer pricing.

4. Service-based businesses

Service-based businesses can sell their services online with Nuvemshop. For example, a consulting firm could use Nuvemshop to offer their services to clients and process payments through the platform.

How Does Nuvemshop Work?

Nuvemshop helps you to create and manage your online store. You can customize your storefronts, use inventory management tools, have smooth payment and shipping integrations, and receive detailed analytics and reporting tools.

How to Start a Nuvemshop Store

How to Start a Nuvemshop Store

To start a Nuvemshop store, go for these steps:

  • Sign up for an account.

To create a Nuvemshop store, you'll need to sign up for an account. Visit the Nuvemshop website and click on the "Sign Up" button.

  • Personalize your store.

Once you've signed up, start customizing your store. Choose your Nuvemshop themes or templates, modify the layout, and reflect your own branding.

  • Place your products.

After deciding on your preferred Nuvemshop theme and layout, start adding products to your online inventory. Upload product images, write product descriptions, and set prices.

  • Set up your payment and shipping options.

Nuvemshop integrates with a variety of payment and shipping gateways and offers your customers a range of options. Set up your payment and shipping preferences before launching your online store.

  • Market your store.

Once your store is set up and your products are added, launch your store and start selling. Meanwhile, focus your efforts on ecommerce marketing strategies to bring more traffic and generate more sales.

How Coretava Integrates with Nuvemshop

Coretava offers seamless integration with Nuvemshop, providing a suite of products that can help ecommerce businesses grow and succeed. Here are some of the Coretava products that Nuvemshop stores can use:

  • Core Omnichannel

This tool helps Nuvemshop store owners sell their products across multiple channels, including both online and offline marketplaces such as social media, messaging apps, and physical stores. With Core Omnichannel, businesses can expand their reach and increase sales by providing a unified customer journey at all touch points.

  • Core Marketing

The ecommerce marketing functionality helps ecommerce businesses develop and carry out targeted marketing efforts to increase traffic to and sales on their online shops. They can use a variety of strategies, such as email marketing, SMS marketing, and social media advertising, to engage audiences and boost sales.

  • Core Personalization

Core Personalization uses AI to deliver personalized product recommendations and offers to customers based on their browsing and purchase history, both online and offline. This can increase customer satisfaction and loyalty, drive repeat purchases, and boost revenue by offering a fully customized shopping experience.

  • Core Loyalty

Coretava Integration with Nuvemshop

This loyalty app helps businesses build and manage customer loyalty programs, rewarding customers for their repeat purchases and referrals. With Core Loyalty, businesses can increase customer retention and drive word-of-mouth marketing, both of which can lead to increased revenue and accelerated business growth.

  • Core Teams

This product helps businesses manage their teams and workflows more efficiently, improving productivity and collaboration. Core Teams offers features like onboarding, training, challenges, and rewards, enhancing employee engagement and retention.

How Much Does Nuvemshop Cost?

Nuvemshop plans cater to different types and sizes of ecommerce businesses.

The Nuvemshop pricing model is based on a monthly subscription fee, with different plans offering access to different features and capabilities.

The starting price for Nuvemshop is $49 per month for the Impulse plan. Nuvemshop does not offer a free plan, but there's a free trial period of 30 days that businesses can use to try out the platform and see if it meets their needs.

Nuvemshop can be considered reasonably priced for the features it offers. However, the cost can add up, depending on the number of transactions and volume of sales a business processes each month.

PlanMonthly FeeNumber of ProductsTransactions per MonthNumber of Staff Accounts
Impulse$49.90100 products50 transactions2
Influence$99.901,000 products500 transactions5

Smaller businesses can start with the Impulse plan and upgrade as they grow, while larger businesses can choose the Scale plan to accommodate their high volume of transactions and larger staff needs. This makes Nuvemshop a potentially good option both for small startups and larger enterprises.

What Are Nuvemshop Pros and Cons?

Nuvemshop Pros and Cons

As a popular ecommerce platform in Latin America, Numemshop comes with some benefits and drawbacks.

Here are the main the pros and cons that ecommerce website owners should consider before opting for Nuvemshop:

Nuvemshop Pros

  • Inexpensive pricing plans for businesses of all sizes
  • User-friendly interface with easy customization options
  • Extensive range of features including multilingual support, product variants, and abandoned cart recovery
  • Great customer support with positive reviews from users
  • Integrations with various payment gateways, shipping providers, and marketing tools

Nuvemshop Cons

  • Limited design options compared to other ecommerce platforms
  • Limited third-party app integrations
  • Limited customization options for the checkout process

Do the pros exceed the cons?

Yes, the pros of Nuvemshop seem to outweigh the cons, making it a strong choice for small and medium-sized businesses looking for an affordable and easy-to-use ecommerce solution in Latin America.

What Do Customers Say About Nuvemshop?

Users have given Nuvemshop an overall rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars on GetApp, citing its usability, customer service, and reasonable pricing. The platform's wide variety of features and integrations with other apps were also mentioned by some users.

Nuvemshop has a 4.5 out of 5 star rating on Capterra, with users praising the platform's user-friendly layout, abundant functionality, and dependable operation. Also, some customers have praised the business for its top-notch assistance and customer service.

On both platforms, it appears that users have generally favorable Nuvemshop reviews, with many applauding its affordability, friendliness, and customer service.

What Are the Best Nuvemshop Alternatives?

While Nuvemshop is a great option for ecommerce businesses, there are several other platforms that businesses can consider. Here are some of the top Nuvemshop alternatives and what they are best for:

  • Shopify: Best Nuvemshop alternative for businesses with advanced customization needs and large product catalogs

The Shopify vast feature set and customizable options have helped it become one of the best ecommerce platforms for businesses of all sizes.

Ecommerce entrepreneurs might need to choose Nuvemshop vs Shopify based on their business needs, budget, desired features, and level of access and technical expertise.

When weighing the pros and cons of Shopify vs Nuvemshop, it’s best to think of your target audience as much as your products or services.

  • Magento: Best Nuvemshop competitor for businesses with complex ecommerce needs, particularly those with B2B sales

Magento is more suited for larger businesses with complex needs. It offers a variety of customization options and features, making it a practical choice for businesses looking to launch a distinctive online store.

  • WooCommerce: Best alternative to Nuvemshop for businesses that use WordPress and want to add ecommerce functionality to their existing site

WooCommerce is a well-liked solution for businesses seeking to quickly launch an online store for its simple user interface, variety of customization possibilities, and effortless integration with WordPress.

  • VTEX: Best competitor of Nuvemshop for large enterprises with complex ecommerce requirements

VTEX is a cloud-based e-commerce platform that offers a variety of cutting-edge services, such as AI-powered personalization, order management, and marketplace connections for your business.

  • SAP: Best Nuvemshop alternative for businesses that need an integrated platform for ecommerce and enterprise resource planning (ERP)

SAP Commerce Cloud is very flexible and scalable, with integrated analytics and reporting tools to support businesses in optimizing their online shopping experience.

  • Salesforce: Best Nuvemshop competitor for businesses that prioritize customer relationship management (CRM) and want to integrate ecommerce with other business functions

Salesforce Commerce Cloud is recommended for companies looking to connect their online and offline sales channels. It includes a wide range of features that make it a powerful tool for businesses looking to create an intuitive omnichannel shopping experience.

  • Zid: Best alternative to Nuvemshop for businesses that prioritize mobile-first design and customer engagement

Zid provides a variety of options to enable small businesses and startups to sell products online in order to meet their demands.

Is Nuvemshop the Best Ecommerce Platform in 2023?

The Latin American ecommerce sector is expanding, and Nuvemshop provides businesses with a comprehensive solution for setting up, running, and expanding their online stores. It's a great choice for small to medium-sized organizations wishing to increase their web presence due to its user-friendly interface, affordable pricing, and sophisticated functionality. Thus, Nuvemshop can be the top solution for many different ecommerce businesses of different sizes and from different industries.

At the same time, Coretava offers seamless integration with Nuvemshop to provide a suite of products designed to help businesses boost marketing, launch a loyalty program, and introduce personalization.

Coretava's innovative solutions work together with Nuvemshop to streamline operations, drive sales, and increase customer engagement, allowing businesses to focus on what they do best.

With Coretava, you can take full advantage of Nuvemshop's powerful ecommerce capabilities and scale your business to new heights.

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Daniela Andreevska

Daniela has 6 years of experience in digital marketing for ecommerce businesses.

Aws Alnabulsi

Aws is the Co-Founder of Coretava, a complete retail ecommerce growth platform. He has 6+ years of experience in managing and growing ecommerce businesses.

Carlos Guerberoff

Head de Parcerias na Coretava. Especialista em desenvolver e fortalecer relacionamentos estratégicos. Orientado para resultados e apaixonado por construir conexões duradouras.

Henrique Letoldo

Head of Sales na Coretava. Com vasta experiência em liderança de equipes comerciais, busca constantemente impulsionar o crescimento e maximizar resultados. Apaixonado por inovação e estratégias de vendas eficazes.

Aws Alnabulsi

CEO e fundador da Coretava. Visionário e empreendedor apaixonado, lidera a equipe com visão estratégica e inovação, buscando transformar o varejo através de soluções tecnológicas.

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